Wright City Hardware and General Store. 105 Elm St. Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/01/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Wright City Liquor. 100 North Elm St. Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/01/2021. No Priority Items at this time. Core Items: Cleaning, Back room floor needs to be cleaned. Inside of Live Bait Cooler needs cleaning. Three Bay sink has discards in all of the bays and needs cleaning. Repairs, there are a few cooler doors that are broken and will not shut. One door is severely cracked and broken. This was supposed to be repaired by the time of this inspection but was not, due to circumstances brought on by COVID-19. Management has assured the repairs will be done by re-inspection. Mop, Dirty mop water was sitting in the bucket. Clutter and Unnecessary Items, back room is accumulating clutter. Cleaning Items were all corrected by the time of the re-inspection on 3/29/2021. Repairs are still scheduled.
S&R Convenience Center. 15397 North HWY 47 Marthasville, MO 63357. Routine. 3/03/2021. No Priority Items at this time. Core Items: Cleaning, Inside the trash enclosure at the self-serve drink station needs cleaning. Repairs, Self-Serve cabinet door still needs repairs. Ware Washing, There needs to be a three bay sink in the kitchen. Hand Wash Sink, There needs to be a hand wash sink closer to the kitchen area. 3/19/2021 re-inspection, All cleaning was corrected and a sink for the kitchen was acquired, but still needs to be installed. Repair plans for cabinets fell through, owner is trying another route.
Pammy Lou Hart Baking Co. LLC. 611 East Veteran’s Memorial PKWY. Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/03/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Two Dude’s Bar-B-Que LLC. 612 North HWY 47 Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/03/2021. Priority Items: Cooling, Hot potatoes were put in the refrigerator to cool quickly which only brought the temperature of the refrigerator up. This was corrected on site. Core Items: Clutter and Unnecessary Items, There is clutter accumulating in the back kitchen and the storage area behind it. All Items were corrected by re-inspection on 3/17/2021.
Petro Mart. 715 North HWY 47 Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/4/2021. No Priority Items at this time. Core Items: Storage, There were bags of ice in the freezer case, being stored lower than 4” off the floor of the freezer. Cleaning, There were broken wine bottles at the inside bottom of the cooler case holding the wine. Each of the bays of the three bay sink had a few dirty dishes in them. Repairs, There is a missing handle on the cabinet under the microwave. Blocked Sink, The hand wash sink in the back room was full of discards and there were several items- brooms, boxes, and more discards in front of the hand wash sink, making it harder to get to, to wash hands. 3/18/2021 re-inspection, nothing was done.
Applebee’s #5278. 507 Warren County Center Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/4/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Warrenton Athletic Complex. 2057 Jaspering Lane Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/5/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Rebecca Boone Elementary. 836 South Street Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/5/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Daniel Boone Elementary. 813 Vosholl Avenue Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/5/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Blackhawk Middle School. 300 Kuhl Avenue Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/5/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Marthasville Elementary School. 800 East Main Street Marthasville, MO 63357. Routine. 3/8/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
St. Vincent DePaul School. 13495 South HWY 94 Marthasville, MO 63357. Routine. 3/8/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
St. Ignatius of Loyola School. 19129 Mill RD Marthasville, MO 63357. Routine. 3/8/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Wright City West Elementary. 100 Wildcat Drive Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/10/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Wright City Middle School. 100 Bell RD Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/10/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Wright City High School. 520 Westwoods Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/10/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Wright City East Elementary. 3675 West Meyer RD Foristell, MO 63348. Routine. 3/10/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Liberty Christian Academy. 402 North Service RD Wright City, MO 63390. Routine. 3/10/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Warrior Ridge Elementary School. 800 Warrior Avenue Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/11/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Warrenton High School. 803 Pickney RD Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/11/2021. No Priority or Core Items at this time.
Casa Tequila. 1000 Warrenton Outlet Suite 14 Warrenton, MO 63383. Pre-Opening. 3/12/2021. This facility has all that is required by the Warren County Health Department to store, cook, and serve food and may open as soon as the Fire Department and other governing entities approve it.
Udderly Moolicious. 1000 Warrenton Outlet Suite 16 Warrenton, MO 63383. Pre-Opening. 3/17/2021. This facility has all that is required by the Warren County Health Department to store, prepare and serve food and may open as soon as the Fire Department and other governing entities approve it.
Udderly Moolicious Trailer. Temporary. 3/17/2021. This is a pre-event inspection of this temporary food trailer. This trailer has everything required by the Warren County Health Department to serve food. It will need some cleaning and decluttering before use at an event. As a regular practice, this will be checked and temperatures will be taken at the next Warren County event this trailer is used at this year.
Warren County Senior Center. 501 Ashland Avenue Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/22/2021. No Core or Priority Items at this time.
Wesleyan Kiddie Kollege. 806 South HWY 47 Warrenton, MO 63383. Routine. 3/24/2021. No Core or Priority Items at this time.